C-PACE Financing
Abacus is an innovator in the C-PACE marketplace, advising local and state governments on how to adopt and implement C-PACE programs; launching new C-PACE markets; working with developers to include C-PACE in project capital stacks; training contractors, lenders, and service providers; and demonstrating leadership by spearheading initiatives through participation in the PaceNation Board and supporting VPA in developing the first ever Resiliency PACE Workgroup and PACEfi marketplace.
Program Administration
Abacus has supported, designed, and/or implemented C-PACE programs around the country in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Texas, Illinois, Florida, Louisiana, Hawaii, North Carolina, Oregon, Maryland, Tennessee, and New Jersey.
- program design and maintenance
- marketing, outreach and training
- managing the application process from project screening to closing
- ongoing servicing coordination
- technical compliance support
- provision of program administrator platform and modeling
- advocacy of PACE policies to local and state governments
Current Clients
Maryland Clean Energy Center – After a competitive procurement process, Abacus was selected as the new administrator for the MD-PACE Program at the end of 2021. The team has been working to enhance the existing MD-PACE program and engage with stakeholders to incorporate new eligible measures designed to increase project volume for all types of projects across the state. Abacus has partnered with the Sustainable Energy Fund (SEF), to provide project application and approval support for the MD-PACE Program.
Virginia PACE Authority – Abacus serves as the technical advisor to VPA, the statewide administrator for Virginia. Abby Johnson leads VPA as its Executive Director, President and Founder.
Illinois Energy Conservation Authority (IECA) – Abacus has worked with IECA since its formation in 2018 and with senior executives at Inland Real Estate Group since 2013.
Marketing and Outreach
Since 2012, Abacus has designed and lead C-PACE outreach, education, and training programs for local governments, building owners, lenders, and contractors, and for organizations such as PaceNation, MidAtlantic PACE Alliance, C-PACE Alliance, USGBC, ULI, CREW, ICSC, NRDC, BOMA, and a variety of economic development, environmental and energy efficiency associations.
See sample C-PACE presentation developed for the Virginia program here.
Owners Rep Services
Abacus facilitates the development and financing of energy saving and resiliency projects for commercial building owners. For C-PACE, Abacus works with developers and owners to identify the project scope, garner available incentives, and assemble the senior debt and C-PACE components of the capital stack.
See Abacus fact sheet focused on Retroactive Financing here.
Lender Consulting Services
Abacus brings nearly 20 years of experience in commercial real estate finance and due diligence to provision of full-service consulting services for lenders interested in participating in the C-PACE marketplace.
See Abacus PACE lender services here.